Published inTDS ArchiveADAS: Collision Avoidance System on Indian CarsReal-world implementation of ADAS-CAS on an Indian Car. LIDAR-Camera Sensor Fusion with RPi, RPLIDAR A1, Pi Cam V2, LED SHIM and NCS 2Aug 17, 20222Aug 17, 20222
Published inTDS ArchiveIndoor Robot Localization with SLAMSimultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Navigation using RP LIDAR A1 on Raspberry Pi with remote ‘point cloud’ visualization using…Feb 21, 20221Feb 21, 20221
Published inTowards AISmart Edge Cam with Gesture AlarmGesture Triggered Alarm for Security based on CV, Vector Concavity Estimation, OpenVINO, MQTT, and Pimoroni Blinkt on RPi or Jetson Nano.Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
Published inBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence MagazineTouch-less Facial Attendance with PiFacial Attendance on Raspberry Pi, with Movidius NCS2 and RPLIDAR A1 for depth sensing to enable Door Access Control simulated with…Sep 24, 2021Sep 24, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveScalable Machine Learning with SparkDistributed Algorithms, Map-Reduce Paradigm, Scalable ML using Spark MLlib on Standalone, AWS EMR Cluster with Docker & Nvidia RAPIDS.Jun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021
Published inNerd For TechHow to make your Chat Bot standout?NLP Models, Sentimental Analysis, Question Answering, Summarization, Knowledge Graph, Fraud Detection, Personalization, Fallback…Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveTouch-less Display Interfaces on EdgeEnabling HCI on Edge: Multi-threaded Gesture & Sound Control of kiosks with Intel OpenVINO AI models. Eye Wink & Mouth Aspect with…Sep 21, 2020Sep 21, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveTopic Modelling into a Category TreeNumerical combination of LDA and NMF cascaded with W2V to categorize 1M+ multi-lingual records into a 275-node, 5-level deep category tree.Aug 19, 2020Aug 19, 2020
Published inNerd For TechIndian Accent Speech RecognitionTraditional ASR (Signal & Cepstral Analysis, DTW, HMM, Probabilistic Modelling) & DNNs (Custom Models + DeepSpeech) on Indian Accent SpeechMay 31, 20204May 31, 20204
Published inDataDrivenInvestorAlgo Trading can change your future!Math Techniques viz. ARIMA, Frequency Decomposition, Fourier Filtering, Linear Regression & Bi-directional LSTMs on Feature Engineered…Feb 14, 2020Feb 14, 2020